The IHNSW Winter Season is upon us, and 2019 Tryouts begin from February 5/6 for three (3) weeks.
2019 Season information can be found by clicking here.
Things to note about tryouts:
You should be attending all three (3) tryouts to ensure you have a good chance of making a team.
The tryout fee of $60 must be paid prior to attending, and is non-refundable or non-transferrable.
If you are absent for any of the weeks, please email Josie Jerome, our Secretary (secretary@sydneybears.com.au) so we are able to pass on this to the Team Coaches.
Members who are presently un-financial will not be able to tryout for a team or be eligible for placement on a team until their outstanding balance on their account has been settled. Please contact Jillian Murphy (treasurer@sydneybears.com.au) to settle this.