Registrations are open for Term 4 of Hockey School. Below are the details:
Dates: 11th October to 20th December (11x weeks)
Day/Time: Every Sunday, from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM.
Register Here:
How to Register:
Click the link to register
Find the Hockey School category, and click "Register" next to Hockey School - Term 4 Pass. (See image below)
You'll be asked to enter your Esportsdesk login details (if you don't have a profile, you'll need to create one)
Register and pay the Term 4 Fee.
Turn up on the first week (11th October).
If you require Gear, we have a limited supply of gear we can loan for a small fee (to keep for the term). NOTE: We can't loan out gear on a weekly basis (I.E - a participant borrows the gear and returns it at the end of each session) due to COVID safe procedures.
Alternatively, you can buy gear at Skater's Network, Ice Monster or CCM Australia (online store through IceHQ):
We look forward to seeing newcomers to ice hockey on Sunday 11th!